Only Connect is a blog about lifelong learning produced by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). We welcome relevant contributions and comments.
Posts should be politically neutral, exploratory, provocative – aiming to start conversations rather than offer the final word. We value inclusive contributions that seek out common ground between people.
Articles should be between 500 and 600 words in length. They should be accessible to any intelligent general reader – no jargon, no unexplained abbreviations, always returning to the wider purposes of the work. Writing should be clear and concise, with short sentences and simple words. Use short paragraphs and adopt a conversational style.
Blog posts should do more than simply share information. Authors should offer a perspective that seeks in some way to advance the agenda under discussion.
If you would like to propose a post or discuss any of the articles on the site, please contact the editor, Paul Stanistreet. Please also feel free to contribute comments on any of the posts.
You can find out more about UIL and its work through our website or by following us on social media.